Local cyclists concerned after Nathaniel Crowson’s death.

Great article and video about Nathaniel Crowson’s cycling accident.
Thanks to Tom Clement

2 thoughts on “Local cyclists concerned after Nathaniel Crowson’s death.

    <b class="fn">William Sellers</b> <span class="says">says:</span>


    Thanks for talking time to talk about our cycling problems in Baton Rouge — we’ve still got a long way to go.


    <b class="fn">Tom Clement</b> <span class="says">says:</span>

    Mike Bitton and I tape the Around Town show that will air Sunday morning. at 6,8,9 and 11 AM on WAFB. We coveed bike / mortorist safty. Scott Roger and I spoke during the week and post show tapping. He is very interested in keeping the ball rolling and have us do serveral follow up shows. Stay tuned, hope that Nathan death will not be in vain.

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